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SAIF’s virtual calendar offers health and safety tips for the holidays

Visit SAIF’s social media accounts throughout December to help keep your holidays memorable for the right reasons.

Health and safety hazards don’t take a break over the holidays.   

Each day from December 1 through 31, we’ll post a tip on social media to keep your holidays merry, bright, and—most importantly—safe.   

“People are very busy during the holidays. As they try to fit more into their schedules, it’s easier to take safety shortcuts that can lead to serious injuries,” said Leigh Manning, SAIF senior safety management consultant. “The holiday calendar is packed with practical tips to help you stay safe this season.”  

Among other things, the tips remind you to:  

  • Never stand on the top step of a ladder when hanging holiday lights.   
  • Keep a winter emergency kit in your car.  
  • If you feel depressed or lonely, reach out to family, friends, or a help line.  

The stakes are high if holiday preparations and celebrations overshadow safety. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, on average, about 160 holiday decorating-related injuries occur each day during the holiday season, with almost half of the incidents involving falls. In the 2019 holiday season, about 14,800 people were treated in emergency rooms due to such injuries.  

Visit SAIF’s Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, or YouTube accounts daily throughout December to help keep your holidays safe and healthy. As many of the tips apply throughout the year, the calendar is the gift that keeps on giving.  

Find more safety tips like these at saif.com/safetyandhealth.  
