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Become your company comp expert

5 tips for saving time and money

5 tips for saving time and money

Congratulations, you've just been awarded responsibility for your company's workers' comp program.

(Or maybe you're the business owner, and there's nobody else to do it.)

So, what happens next?

Whether you're brand new to workers' comp, or actually understand what "experience rating modification" means, here are five tips to help you get started. In no time, you'll be on your way to becoming your company's workers' comp expert.

1. One of my employees just got hurt on the job. What do I do now?


If the injury requires medical attention, you'll need to file a claim by filling out an 801 form. You can submit the form online or by email, mail, or fax.

If the injury is minor and doesn't require medical attention, there's no need to file a claim. Just be sure to document the incident.

Learn more about filing and managing a claim.

This online training follows one worker's claim from beginning to end. 

2. How can I limit the impact of a claim on my premium?


Reporting an injury as soon as possible is one way to control claims costs.

SAIF's return-to-work programs can reduce the impact of a claim by helping employees get back to work as soon as they're medically able. Return-to-work programs also can help boost morale and make litigation less likely.

The Employer-at-Injury Program (EAIP) provides financial incentives for modifying and creating productive work for an injured worker.

Learn more about getting back to work.

3. What's the best way to keep workers' comp costs low?


Preventing injuries is one of the most effective ways to control, or even reduce, your workers' comp rates. Check your workplace for hazards, then set up programs to reduce or eliminate them. Hire, train, and retain skilled workers. Set expectations and hold workers accountable. Communicate and provide feedback.

Also, healthy workers are less likely to get hurt on the job.

Learn more about preventing injuries and promoting health.

4. What does payroll have to do with my workers' comp premium?


Payroll records are a key factor in determining how much you pay for worker's comp insurance. Getting payroll reporting right saves you time and money.

You can file your payroll reports and pay your premium online. It's fast and easy. Our online system actually calculates the premium for you.

Learn more about reporting payroll and paying your bill.

5. What's an OSHA 300 form and what am I supposed to do with it?


Oregon OSHA requires most businesses with more than 10 employees to keep a log of work-related injuries and illnesses and post a summary from February 1 through April 30 each year. Keeping good records raises awareness of workplace hazards so they can be corrected.

You can download forms and find complete instructions on OSHA's website.

This online training explains how to record a work-related injury or illness.
