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A lot of life happens here

SAIF’s new ad campaign showcases the special moments that happen only at the workplace.

2016 ad campaignView full size ads

SAIF's new ad campaign is about small moments that happen every day at workplaces all over Oregon—moments that remind us that a lot of life happens at work. It's where we make friends, join a team, express ourselves, and so much more.

By highlighting these moments, we hope to inspire Oregonians to take care of their workplaces and join us in making Oregon the safest and healthiest state.

Check out the new ads, and keep an eye out for our campaign in newspapers and magazines, online, on billboards, and on the radio.

The ad campaign was produced by DHX Advertising and photographer Ty Milford. It features scenes from SAIF policyholder Leatherman Tool Group and other locations throughout the state.
