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New: a convenient way to spread the (safety) word

Our new email features easy ways for employers to help their workers be healthy and be safe.

Email tips to share and useYou, and your clients, can now sign up to get our quick and easy tips about workplace safety and health in your inbox. We've designed our email tips with busy employers in mind—but anyone who's interested in preventing injuries, promoting health, and saving time and money on workers' comp is welcome to subscribe.

To sign up, go to saif.com/emailtips. You'll also find a link to the sign-up form on the saif.com homepage.

New tips each month
Each month we'll feature a new topic, including:

  • 7 simple exercises for safer, healthier bodies
  • The latest buzz: workplace impairment
  • Active shooter: 3 steps that could save your life
  • Top 5 comp tips to save time and money