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AGC retro return timeline

The AGC group retro is evaluated every year on July 1.

During the week of July 17, SAIF agency marketing specialists will be in contact with agents representing employers participating in the AGC group retro product for the 2021-22 policy period. They’ll provide the relevant facts about the retro return as well as each agency's list of participating employers. They’ll also provide information on how to easily sort and retrieve the retro evaluation documents from the agency inbox that will be available on July 25 via Business Online.

Checks will be mailed the week of July 31. The check will include a brief letter, but the evaluation will not be included with the check. It will be the agents' responsibility to provide the retro evaluation to the employer.

All steps in the AGC evaluation process are documented in the timeline.

If you have questions, please contact your agency marketing specialist.
