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When the power goes out

These tips can help you prepare and deal with power outages.

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Don't be in the dark

Power outages can disrupt operations, decrease revenue, and cause safety and health problems. Short-term and long-term preparation can help minimize the effects. These tips can help you prepare and deal with power outages.

Prepare short-term

  • Do assessments for potential hazards. Basic safety measures like making sure the area is clear of items that people can trip over will make a big difference.
  • Check emergency lighting to make sure it’s in good working order.
  • Know where flashlights, emergency kits, and other safety items are kept. 
  • Keep emergency phone numbers at hand.
  • Know the emergency plan for exiting the building.

During the outage

  • Turn off and disconnect equipment, programs, and systems.
  • Don’t stand next to machinery that could come back on unexpectedly.
  • Stop as soon as lights go out if using potentially dangerous equipment like a forklift.
  • Follow protocols for fires, earthquakes, and other emergencies to help employees and customers exit the building safely.

Long-term planning

  • Develop a business continuity plan.
  • Ensure everyone knows about the plan and is trained in it.
  • Identify critical operations that need power, such as computer systems and machinery, and take steps to protect them.
  • Set up contingency plans, such as surge protectors, alternate locations for data and operations, and backup programs and systems.


For more on this topic, visit saif.com/emergencies.
