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Public records request

As a not-for-profit, state-chartered corporation, SAIF is committed to the principles of openness, transparency, and accountability.

If you are a member of the media and have questions about SAIF that don't pertain to public records, please contact Lauren Casler at laucas@saif.com or 503.373.8615. 


1. Who, what, and why? 

The Public Records Law applies to every public body, including SAIF. Oregon public records laws are found at ORS 192.410 through 192.505. The guiding principle of the records law is that every business document created or received by SAIF is a public record subject to disclosure unless the document is specifically exempted.  

2. What is a public record? 

A "'Public Record' includes any writing that contains information relating to the conduct of the public's business, ... used or retained by a public body regardless of physical form or characteristics." ORS 192.311(5)(a). A "writing" includes letters, pictures, sounds, voicemail recordings, papers, maps, faxes, texts, emails, drafts, and electronic recordings. ORS 192.311(7). When responding to a public records request, SAIF is not required to create new records, disclose its reasoning or knowledge, or answer questions about its records.  

3. What SAIF records are exempt from disclosure?  

Certain public records may be withheld from disclosure if they fall within an exemption or exception. For example, claimant files, employer account records, and records containing information regarding trade secrets or sensitive business records are not disclosable. Financial or commercial information that is not customarily provided to business competitors are generally not disclosable because they are conditionally protected. ORS 192.345 and ORS 192.355.

4. How does a person make a public records request?  

Requests may be made orally or in writing. The request does not have to specify that it is a "public records request." Written requests should be sent to SAIF's Records Custodian at 400 High St. SE, Salem OR 97304. The request should include the following information: requester's name, address, phone number, and email, and a description of the records requested with enough information to allow SAIF to identify and locate the record. Oral requests may be made by calling SAIF at (800) 285-8525, and emailed requests may be sent to Shannon Rickard at sharic@saif.com

5. What is the required timeframe for SAIF's production of records?

SAIF will acknowledge written requests for records within five business days of SAIF's receipt of the request. SAIF will inform the requester in writing whether SAIF is the custodian of the requested records. SAIF may request clarification to aid in identifying the records or expediting its response. SAIF will complete its response to the records request in writing within 10 business days from the date of SAIF's acknowledgment, or will notify the requester that it does not have the records. The timing of SAIF's response depends on the clarity, size, and scope of the request, and how accessible the records are.

6. How much does it cost?  

SAIF does not charge for requests that cost $25 or less, or for responses to state agencies.  
If the cost is $25 or greater, SAIF will provide written notification of the estimated amount of the fees, and will wait for confirmation that the requester wants SAIF to proceed with making the records available. SAIF estimates the cost of responding to the request based on the salaries of the individuals required to identify, review, redact, and produce documents or make available for inspection, according to the below schedule:  

Personnel Cost per hour
Vice president of legal $168.23
Managing attorney $125.90
Assistant general counsel $114.57
Procurement manager $114.57
Attorney $101.87
Legal support supervisor $54.48
Legal projects coordinator $49.18
Paralegal $48.64

If the requester does not respond within 60 days of SAIF's cost estimate, SAIF will close the request. 

SAIF considers waiving fees in accordance with ORS 192.324(5). A request to waive fees should be made in writing, and specify the public interest that would be served by reducing or waiving the fees. 

7. What are the appeal options?

A requester may appeal a denial of a records request, the denial of a fee waiver or fee reduction, or the timeliness of SAIF's response to the Attorney General, district attorney, or court.
