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4 simple steps that could save your life in an emergency evacuation

In the event of a wildfire, earthquake, tsunami, or other disaster, you may have only minutes to evacuate from work or home. Here are four things you can do right now to be better prepared.

4 simple steps that could save your life in an emergency evacuation.

In a disaster, seconds count.

Whether you’re at work or at home, being prepared to leave at a moment’s notice could mean the difference between life and death for you or someone you love. Emergency Preparedness Month in September is a good time to review your evacuation plan.

Here are four things to keep in mind:

Pack a go-bag.Pack a go-bag. Keep a kit handy with essential supplies at home, at work, in your car, and at school. Not sure what to include? Our “5 to stay alive” videos are a good place to start. Learn more about how to build your kit.

Designate a contact. Designate a contact person. Ideally, choose someone out of state whom everyone can text, call, or email in an emergency to let others know where you are, how you're doing, and how to reunify if necessary. Print a communication plan and be sure to include a copy in your kid's backpack.

Know your route.

Know your route. Identify places where you could take shelter, such as a friend’s house in another town. Be familiar with alternate routes and means of transportation. Practice designated routes for disasters such as tsunamis; be prepared to evacuate on foot if necessary.

Fill your tank.

Fill your tank. Keep your car at least half full of gas at all times; stations may be closed or unable to pump during a power outage. If you don’t have a car, plan how you will leave if needed. Make arrangements with family, friends, or your local government.

Learn more about what to do before, during, and after an evacuation.

Find additional resources for emergency preparedness and response, including how to make a plan for your workplace.
