Found 1348 results for ",".


We offer a variety of trainings around the state at no cost to our policyholders. Seating is limited and is first come, first served; please register early. We update classes regularly, so check back often to see what’s available in your area.

Servicios de farmacia

Usted puede ser elegible para el programa de farmacia de Primer Surtido (First Fill) o el programa de medicamentos recetados de Oregon, dependiendo del estado de su reclamo. También puede ser reembolsado por medicamentos que usted pague.


Como parte de su tratamiento, su doctor quizás lo refiera a otro proveedor o solicite que un estudio específico se haga. Si eso sucede, le recomendamos que nos informe inmediatamente.

Pagos por sueldos perdidos

Si falta tiempo del trabajo debido a una lesión, quizás sea elegible para recibir pagos por los sueldos que pierde. Estos consejos pueden ayudarle a obtener los beneficios a los que tiene derecho.

Recibiendo un reembolso

Si tuvo que pagar por medicamentos, suministros o viajes relacionados con su lesión en el lugar de trabajo, puede solicitar reembolso.

Qué facturas debes pagar?

Dependiendo de las circunstancias, usted puede o no ser responsable de pagar una factura médica. Aprenda qué facturas debe pagar y cuáles serán pagadas por usted.

Recursos de compensación para trabajadores

Estas agencias estatales administran el sistema de compensación para trabajadores. Visite sus sitios web para obtener más información acerca de servicios para trabajadores.

Términos comunes

Hemos creado una lista práctica para explicar los términos y las siglas que escuchará, especialmente si tiene un reclamo de compensación para trabajadores.

Protección de tu privacidad

Nuestra política es proteger su privacidad y mantener la confidencialidad de toda la información del archivo del reclamo y demás información personal y confidencial, a menos que la ley exija o permita su divulgación

Combate de seguridad en la cocina

February 2, 2018 — En la nueva serie espectacular de videos de SAIF, los chefs compiten para ver quién tiene las agallas para evitar los peligros comunes en la cocina, incluyendo: cortaduras y quemaduras, esguinces y caídas, y químicos y aparatos de ...

Trabajadores de atención a domicilio / trabajadores de apoyo personal

Los trabajadores de atención a domicilio y los trabajadores de apoyo personal son elegibles para la cobertura de indemnización laboral por las lesiones ocurridas en el empleo. La Comisión de Atención a Domicilio de Oregon facilita la presentación de ...

Lista de medicamentos recetados de First Fill

Lista de medicamentos recetados de First Fill


Información sobre MiReclamo

Entrenamiento de Safety in Motion®

Entrenamiento de Safety in Motion®

El bienestar del trabajador en 5 pasos sensillos

El bienestar del trabajador en 5 pasos sensillos

Guía de soluciones ergonómicas (BEST)

Guía de soluciones ergonómicas (BEST)

Lista de agentes

Una lista de agentes designados de SAIF

Representantes de seguros de SAIF

Los representantes de ventas en nuestras oficinas regionales de SAIF trabajan codo a codo con nuestros clientes en sus comunidades para brindar el mejor servicio posible.

Programas en grupo

Si está buscando más formas de ahorrar en su seguro de compensación laboral, solicítanos información sobre la cobertura en grupo.

Formularios de solicitud de la póliza

Por supuesto que se requieren formularios, después de todo, se trata de una transacción de seguros. Si su agente o un representante de SAIF le solicita que presente uno durante el proceso de solicitud (además del formulario ACORD estándar), encontrar...

Benefits 2024

Benefits 2023

Tu reporte de nómina de sueldos

Tu reporte de nómina de sueldos

Compromiso de SAIF para proveer servicio durante este tiempo

April 10, 2020 — El apoyo para los clientes con pólizas y trabajadores durante la pandemia del coronavirus

Paso 1 - Identificar

Paso 1 - Identificar

Paso 2 - Involucrar a otros

Step 2 - Involucrar a otros

Paso 3 - Diseñar

Paso 3 - Diseño

Paso 4 - Acción

Paso 4 - Acción

Paso 5 - Revisar

Paso 5 - Revisar





Salva tu piel todos los días

May 15, 2024 — El protector solar no es solo para el verano. Descubre por qué lo necesitas durante todo el año para ayudar a protegerte contra el cáncer de piel, y cómo usarlo de manera efectiva.

Los recursos de SAIF ayudan a los empleadores a proteger a los trabajadores y responder a eventos relacionados con opioides

January 22, 2024 — Los recursos incluyen un entrenamiento en línea sobre la prevención de la exposición laboral, información para trabajadores en alto riesgo de exposición y datos sobre el Naloxona (Naloxone).

Los seminarios anuales de seguridad agrícola de SAIF regresan por su 26º año

September 13, 2023 — Las inscripciones han comenzado para la temporada 2023-2024, que se extiende desde octubre hasta marzo.

Cinco formas de hacer la transición segura de tu lugar de trabajo al verano

June 8, 2023 — Siga estos consejos de seguridad para confirmar que su negocio y sus trabajadores estén listos para la temporada.

Recursos de Saif en español ahora disponibles en línea para empleadores

August 15, 2022 — Puedes realizar pagos, presentar reportes de nómina de sueldos, y ayudar a trabajadores lesionados a regresar al trabajo. La guía de empleadores en español de SAIF tiene toda la información necesaria sobre el seguro de compensación ...

Workplace safety topics

Check out SAIF's library of safety topics and tips to help you create an injury-free workplace. Visit our site today.


Streaming videos

SAIF posters and forms

A convenient place to get your SAIF posters and forms

Live webinars

Webinars, training, safety, injury, hurt, job, work, video, construction, agriculture, ergonomic, PPE

Agent trainings

A full list of trainings available to SAIF's appointed agents

Agricultural safety seminars

Agricultural seminars

State agencies and public universities

State agencies and public universities, training, safety, injury, hurt, job, work, video

HR resources for your business

Learn about workplace safety tips and topics that will help keep everyone safe and healthy in your workplace. Visit our site.

Safety in Motion® online training

Safety in Motion® training

Workers' comp payroll reporting

SAIF's reporting payroll guide will help answer all your workers' compensation payroll reporting questions, while providing resources to make payroll reporting easy. Visit our site today.

Filing a workers' comp insurance claim

Filing a workers' compensation insurance claim quickly is the most important step if an employee suffers an injury on the job. Visit our site to file a workers' comp claim.

Preventing fraud

Preventing fraud keeps rates low and makes sure the right people are receiving benefits—and that's good for employers, workers, and all Oregonians.

Getting back to work

Like you, our primary focus is getting your injured employee the resources needed to recover and to return to an appropriate level of work.

Learn about coverage

In this section, you can learn about workers' comp, how rates are calculated, how to obtain coverage, steps you can take to try to reduce your premium, and more.

Workers' compensation liability insurance

Employers' liability insurance is part of the standard workers' comp insurance policy that covers damages where the Exclusive Remedy provisions don't apply.

Offices and contacts

In addition to our eight regional offices, we have an agency team dedicated solely to helping you. And be sure to check out our Agents' Advisory Councils, a SAIF innovation that helps expand communication between you and us.

Workers′ comp insurance rate information

A core part of SAIF's mission is to keep workers' compensation insurance rates affordable. View our workers' comp rate information today.

Selling Oregon workers' comp insurance

Get help selling SAIF's workers comp insurance by visiting our Agent Guide. Access the latest rate information, training calendar, and other workers comp materials.

Tools for policyholders

Our workers' comp experts have put together some very helpful tools for assisting your clients with their workers’ comp needs.

Billing SAIF

Part of our role in the workers’ comp system is making sure you receive payments you are due for providing medical treatment to an injured worker.

Workers’ comp overview

In short, workers’ compensation insurance provides benefits like medical treatment and income replacement for workers who are injured or suffer an occupational disease as a result of their work.

The claim process

claim process, attending provider guidelines, post closure treatment, treatment plan requirements, claim status, reporting a workplace injury, IMEs, claim closure

File a claim

Despite our efforts to prevent injuries to Oregon workers, accidents sometimes happen. When they do, we’re committed to helping you recover and return to work.

The claim process

It’s our goal to provide you with all the benefits you're entitled to. Knowing how the system works can make recovery quicker and easier for you.

Medical and Rx help

Getting the medical care you need is essential—but the process can be complicated and frustrating. This section helps you handle the most common issues.

Bills and payments

We understand that there’s a lot on your mind when you get injured on the job. The information on these pages can help.

Other resources

The information and resources in this section can help take some of the confusion and uncertainty out of the workers’ comp process.

Woodburn Nursery & Azaleas | Woodburn

Woodburn Nursery & Azaleas: Starting on 15 acres in the early ‘60s, the Fessler family frequently explored new plant offerings as they grew to build a secure future.

JSH Farms | Hermiston

Second- and third-generation members of the St. Hilaire family continue a tradition of farming mint, lavender, and dill.

Territorial Seed Company | Cottage Grove

Territorial Seed Company provides products to help home gardeners grow their best.

Oregon Coast Wasabi | Tillamook

Oregon Coast Wasabi is the largest wasabi grower in the United States.

Clausen Oysters | North Bend

Clausen Oysters is Oregon's biggest oyster farm.

Oregon Odd Jobs: Cunningham Sheep Company

Oregon Odd Jobs visits Cunningham Sheep Company

Oregon Odd Jobs: Oregon Screen Impressions

Oregon Odd Jobs visits Oregon Screen Impressions

Oregon Odd Jobs: Oregon Coast Aquarium

Oregon Odd Jobs visits Oregon Coast Aquarium

Oregon Odd Jobs: OSU animal hospital

Oregon Odd Jobs visits the Lois Bates Acheson Veterinary Teaching Hospital at Oregon State University

Oregon Odd Jobs: Oaks Amusement Park

Oregon Odd Jobs visits Oaks Amusement Park

Oregon Odd Jobs: Oregon Potato Company

Oregon Odd Jobs visits Oregon Potato Company

Addressing the impacts of workplace injuries with Total Worker Health®

Addressing the impacts of workplace injuries with Total Worker Health®

Clay in Motion | Milton-Freewater

Clay in Motion produces a range of handmade stoneware.

Studio Signs | Portland

Sign artist Nick Lee offers signs created using traditional techniques like hand lettering or gold leaf gilding, while also embracing modern technology and methods.

Tru Form Tiny | Eugene

Tru Form Tiny homes can take only eight weeks to construct from start to finish.

Washed Ashore | Bandon

Washed Ashore uses larger-than-life sculptures to sound the alarm about plastic pollution littering ocean beaches.

Abbey Creek Vineyard | North Plains

Abbey Creek Vineyard is top to bottom a creation from the mind of owner Bertony Faustin.

Tofurky | Hood River

Tofurky makes its range of vegan products from its facility on the banks of the Columbia River

Homestead Log Homes | Central Point

Homestead Log Homes has been building log homes to fit any size or need

Natural Structures | Baker City

Natural Structures has developed a portfolio of products that bring an element of play both indoors and out.

Orox Leather Co. | Portland

The workers of family-owned Orox Leather Co. create handcrafted leather goods in their Portland workshop.

Melcher Family Farm | St. Paul

Melcher Family Farm has been growing Barcelona hazelnuts for three generations.

Rogue Creamery | Central Point

Rogue Creamery has continued to garner attention on the world stage

Lincoln City Glass Center | Lincoln City

Make your own glass artwork at Lincoln City Glass Center in Oregon

Oregon Trail Electric Cooperative | Baker City

Utility co-op uses the power of virtual reality to make communities safer

Omar’s Restaurant | Ashland | Est. 1946

Ashland’s oldest restaurant is serving up its specialty: high-quality food with a cozy atmosphere.

PublicHouse | Springfield | Est. 2018

With six food vendors, more than 30 beers on tap, multiple bars, live music, and plentiful seating, it is a family-friendly hub.

IKE Box | Salem | Est. 2004

In teaching their young workers how to serve coffee, they’ve helped hundreds learn life lessons and imagine what’s possible.

Fat Cupcake | Oregon City | Est. 2014

The pandemic hasn’t prevented the bakery from helping their customers celebrate life’s milestones.

La Margarita Co. | Salem | Est. 1984

Loyal staff, faithful customers, and great food have helped the restaurant endure.

Spooky’s Pizza | The Dalles | Est. 1999

The pizzeria is a community favorite, attracting many young workers.

7 Devils Brewing Co. | Coos Bay | Est. 2013

7 Devils Brewing Co’s new location along the Coos Bay waterfront hasn’t been open for long, but during peak times, it’s hopping.

Duck House Chinese Restaurant | Portland | Est. 2016

The Duck House Chinese restaurant in southwest Portland is more than an eatery — it’s a community.
